Case Study Results
Active Patient Count:
21% Improvement in 12 months
Hygiene Monthly Production:
Increase of $20,000/month in 8 Months”
A $240,000 Annual Improvement
Case Study Program
Achieving The "Viva Hygiene Masters Graduate Diploma"
The Case Study Program
Eligibility: The pre-requisites for the Viva Case Study Program: a minimum of three-years on any Viva program.
The case study program has an exclusive and limited number of participants. This Case Study is specific to building the Hygiene Retention Department and is an ongoing training, execution and outcome study. The purpose of the program is to expand the hygiene department by increasing both the production and number of hygiene days per week.
Viva Case Study Deliverables
The hygiene Case Study is a three year program that puts in place a department of hygiene. The program has specific deliverables to train and obtain monthly reports from the lead hygienist and/or the hygiene coordinator. Viva’s Case Study Coordinator is the contact point to run the program, receive monthly reports and answer questions and concerns regarding implementation.
1. Case Study Orientation & Indoctrination for the Department Head (Lead Hygienist and/or Hygiene Coordinator
and department staff ).
2. Signage & Business Cards: Mission statements for Reception (48” x 32” Ultra-Clear Acrylic), 3 Sets of mission statement
and cancellation policy for operatories (18” x 15”)
Reception Room Mission Statement
Operatory Mission Statement & Cancellation Policy
Business Cards to forward Mission Statement and Image of Office
(Doctor, Hygienists, Office Manager, Treatment Coordinator, Receptionist)
2. Advance Courses. Hygiene Retention, Hygiene Department, Key Statistics, Case Acceptance, Cancellation & Stopping Leakage & Hygiene Diagnostics Courses.
3. Annual Hygiene Group Study Workshop Convention each year.
4. Hygiene Program Coach: Implementation of Six Phase Protocol & Monthly Reporting/Monitoring of Hygiene Statistics and Progress.
5. Annual in-office review and analysis of implementation and re-orientation of program. Booster Review.
6. Program Guarantee: The Advance Hygiene Program carries a guarantee of adding 1 day per week of hygiene each year, or the program, training and coaching continues at no cost until this objective is achieved.
Each office must have a Retention Coordinator (also called a Hygiene Coordinator) for the Advance Hygiene training, for execution of targets and reporting of statistics and information.
Forms & Monthly Reports
There are multiple forms, images and reports supplied by Viva to the Project Manager. These items are paramount in the execution and implementation of the overall program. Realize that forms, images and reports are executed on a gradient, one by one, to stably expand the hygiene department.
Group Sessions & Doctor Study Group
There are 2 group sessions with doctor and lead hygienists and/or hygiene coordinator and department employees. The study groups are held 2 times a year and scheduled a year in advance.. The Group Sessions cover two important aspects of the Case Study:
1) Review of progress of implementation: statistics (growth), training progress, targets accomplished.
2) Owner’s & Group Study Discussion: specific isolation of best practices to share between other practices,
hygienist and staff involved with the hygiene growth.
Case Study Requirements
Designated Project Manager
The designated project manager (Lead Hygienist or Hygiene Coordination) is vital to the success of the case study and responsible for:
a) Attending training on all aspects of the program
b) Coordination and training of employees in the office
c) Execution of vital elements of the Hygiene Targets
d) Monthly reports to Viva and practice owner
Reports & Statistics
The Project Manager is responsible to report monthly to the Case Study Training Coordinator so monitor-ing of progress can be obtained.
Report forms will be issued by the Training Coordinator to track:
a) Training progress of project manager and employees
b) Vital targets of implementation, i.e. mission statements, signage, Care-to-Share gift box distributed
c) Number of recall hygiene visits increased in the department
Exponential Benefits from Residual Income
The benefits or rewards from a Residual Income based practice are far greater than imagined. The workload majorly reduces for the
practitioner but as well for the general staff. Retention is what causes residual income and the "by-products" are as follows:
Higher case acceptance due to patients coming back through hygiene visits
Higher income security from hygiene revenue
More free time and longer periods away from the office for family, vacations or hobbies
Increased loyalty from patients
Most importantly an increase in word-of-mouth referrals is generated due to the increase in people
coming in and out of the office.
Program Materials
The Masters program materials and the titles are shown below to give a concept of what the student will be studying.
Patient Acquisition, Laws of Conversion & Enquiry
Laws of Case Acceptance
External Marketing Methods
Hygiene Retention,
An Education Center
Graduation & Certification
Upon completion of all program courses and apprenticeships, the student graduates with a diploma, with Viva certification that all requirements and classes have been completed. The student has embarked upon a new found knowledge and understanding of the marketing cycle and is armed and educated to advance his or her career to new a new height! The student is awarded a Diploma of Graduation with the title of Viva System Masters Graduate.