The Art of New Patient Conversion & Case Acceptance
Proven Systems from the Industry Leaders in New Patient Conversion & Case Acceptance
1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91208
Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Coffee, Tea, Pastries & Lunch Provided
8:30 am-9:00 am - Registration
9:00 am – 11:45 am
The Cold, Hard Facts: The seminar will begin with the most comprehensive breakdown of real-life dental practice metrics you have probably ever seen. Presented in an easy to digest manner, you’ll be able to see immediately how your office measures up. A supremely thorough result of Viva Concept’s investment of thousands of hours of compilation and study; it illuminates the exact reasons behind most troubles with new patient acquisition and case acceptance. And even more importantly – opens the door to real solutions!
Thinking outside the “Dental Box;” the blueprint for a profitable dental practice: A dental office is a business. Trying to run your business with your “dentist hat” on makes about as much sense as a business person trying to tell you how to do dentistry! Without altering your clinical approach in any way, we’ll teach you the three component parts you MUST have in place to create a profitable practice.
Why Most Patients Don’t Do What You Tell Them: You’ve answered their questions and they still won’t make an appointment. Or you’ve explained their treatment plan and they still won’t want to “think about it.” What are you missing? We’ll show you, along with what to do about it!
The Right Attitude: What does attitude have to do with New Patient Conversion? Or case acceptance for that matter? The answer: a lot. Discover the right and wrong way to approach this subject that can make or break your practice!
Different Patient Types: Learn how to successfully identify, communicate with and management the different patient types. We’ll also provide tips on how to turn them into long-term patients who follow through with treatment and refer!
11:45 am - 12:00 pm– An Introduction to Viva Concepts and MGE: Management Experts and our programs.
12:00pm – 1:30 pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
The Anatomy of Effective Communication: What is communication? Ask many people and you’ll get just as many answers. And it’s a shame that something so important has gone misunderstood by so many for so long! Communication is the cornerstone of all interpersonal relations. It’s also the key to patient communication, management and case acceptance. In this presentation we’ll delve into exactly what it is (and isn’t) along with the formula for effective, professional communication. You’ll learn the secret to really connecting with, getting through to and being understood by your patients (or anyone else you communicate with).
The Laws of New Patient Conversion: There are four specific laws or rules of new patient conversion which – if followed – generally leads to a positive outcome (a new patient)! Learn how to put these laws to work for you and expertly schedule ANY incoming new patient call.
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm – Break
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
The Laws of New Patient Conversion - Continued.
Become a New Patient Conversion Professional!: Step-by-step procedures (and exercises) on how to successfully (and easily) schedule the majority of new patient inquiries, including the difficult ones! Including the “big three:”
· Insurance Related Questions, i.e. “Do you take my plan?”
· Price Shoppers: “How much do you charge for a crown, cleaning, whitening, etc.?”
· Second opinions
9:05 am – 12:00 pm
Become a New Patient Conversion Professional!, Continued.
The Ultimate New Patient Experience! Learn the keys to begin creating loyal, long-term patients from the minute they walk in the door! We’ll cover three simple steps that you should do with EVERY new patient, (before you even look in their mouth) that can have an immensely positive impact on treatment acceptance, compliance and even future referrals!
The New Patient Exam: From your “doctor” hat, the New Patient Exam is all about gathering data. Beyond this, it’s also the point where you should be building/strengthening your relationship with a new patient; not to mention laying the groundwork for future treatment acceptance. Learn four simple rules to follow during your exam that can make all the difference in patient compliance.
Case Acceptance and Time: Believe it or not, about one-third of case acceptance problems have nothing to do with the doctor’s ability to present treatment. It has to do with timing! In this segment you’ll discover how to effectively schedule treatment presentations – including WHEN and HOW to schedule them to boost your success!
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
The New Patient Treatment Presentation: Keys to Success! Is there a successful method to present and having a patient accept their FULL Treatment Plan? In other words, not patient or phased care or just what the insurance company will cover? And even better, have the patient commit financially the same day – by paying in full or putting a deposit down? Yes – there is – and we’re going to show you how it’s done!
How to Effectively Handle Objections: We’ll address the six most common patient objections to following through with treatment – along with EXACLY how to handle them, including:
· “I can’t afford it.”
· “I only want to do what insurance covers.”
· “Let’s do a predetermination of benefits.”
· “I’ll have to speak with my spouse.”
· “Let me think about it.”
· “I’m too busy.”
Financial Arrangements that actually work! We’ll teach you how to handle the financial discussion, along with the most effective methods to “pass” patients to your Financial Coordinator to a successful outcome. We’ll also touch on some basics of financial policies you should have in your practice.
LOCATION MAP: 1500 N. Verdugo Blvd, Glendale, CA 91208